Friday, 10 August 2018


As a part of Restructured curriculum a programm named Conscientizaion Programme has been carried out at the time of school internship training programme on the topic The Ethical use of Social Media.
Conscientization or critical consciousness is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian Pedagogue and educational theorist Paulo Freire.
He elaborated an educational theory within the framework of a theory of radical social change and expressed in a literacy training program. A central concept is "conscientization," and development of critical consciousness through a process of reflection and action.
Critical Consciousness Theory focuses on the role of oppression and privilege in creating and sustaining social and individual dysfunction. ... For instance, believing that one is genetically superior or inferior when compared others is a form of internal privilege or oppression.
It is the action or process of making others aware of political and social conditions, especially as a precursor to challenging inequalities of treatment or opportunity; the fact of being aware of these conditions.

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